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Aerojet Rocketdyne Employees Ratify Union Contract

Members of the Machinists Union, employed at Aerojet Rocketdyne voted to ratify a new three-year deal in 2022.

The new union contract features general wage increases of 6% in the 1st year, with 1.5% of that raise coming July 30, 2022, 4% in the 2nd year, and 3.5% in the 3rd. Negotiators also maintained the $2,500, and $1,250 respective Health Savings Account employer payments for families and individuals per year over the life of the agreement, while holding the line on healthcare. This contract has put our group far above the industry standard, in fact; our members make about $9 an hour more than the non-union workers in Camden, Arkansas not including the union negotiated benefit packages. The union shop has worked as a team and a true union for multiple negotiated contracts to reach the level they enjoy today.

The new contract also features:

· $1,000 ratification bonus

· Three paygrades added

· Improvements to bereavement time

· Added optional unpaid holidays (UPH)

· Improvements for UPH use

Unlike non-union Aerojet shops, our represented shops have a fair process for overtime that is enforced. If you want it, sign up. If you don’t want to work this weekend, a fair process for forced overtime is negotiated and obeyed.

“IAM Local 971 members are proud of the work they do,” said IAM Southern Territory General Vice President Rickey Wallace. “Thanks to the strength of this negotiating committee and the membership, they have secured a strong IAM contract that will secure the futures of our members and their families.”

“My thanks go out to the Negotiating Committee and the membership,” said District 166 Directing Business Representative Kevin DiMeco. “I’m proud of our work at the table, and the solidarity of the group behind the committee.”

These IAM members build the RS-25, and the RL-10 engines that power rockets such as the Atlas V, and Delta IV Heavy Rockets, as well as the Space Launch System.

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