On Thursday April 13th, 2023, Local Lodge 470's monthly union meeting was not all regular business. Local Lodge President Nina Baldridge proudly presented a disaster relief check from our International President, Robert Martinez Jr to a 33 year member and co-worker, Gary Ash.

On Tuesday, January 24th, 2023, at 5:06 pm a category F2 Tornado hit Dequincy, Louisiana and had winds recorded at 125 MPH. The tornado traveled a total of 12 miles and destroyed multiple homes. Gary was in the kitchen of his home of 17 years and was left unconscious after his home was thrown 500 ft.

Gary woke up in the emergency room, he was badly beaten and had to receive stitches and glue sutures in his wrist and head.

The IAMAW has an amazing disaster relief program with funds to help our members when disaster strikes. From the wildfires and earthquakes in California to hurricanes and tornados in the south, the Machinists Union is there to guide its members through programs like FEMA, Red Cross and even assist its members trying to deal with insurance bureaucracy, your union is here to help.